Kindergarten End of Year Celebration, June 5th at 9:30 in the Cafeteria

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Flip Cams and Pancakes

As I delve deeper into the craft of teaching, I summoned all my moxie and ditched the Reading series teacher edition (for this week). It is important for me to mention that based on my data from assessments, my kiddos are meeting expectations in phonics and phonemic awareness, which does not mean I abandoned the reading foundation skills for my skillet.  Rest assured stakeholders, those skills were taught this week in conjunction with listening, speaking and writing standards during Reading block. We also read informational text in Social Studies (inside Reading block) on Benjamin Franklin and wrote about this famous American using details from our ladder graphic organizer. 

Armed with, literature from our Media Center (thanks, girls!) and lots of courage, I set out to build a lesson that would address many standards at once.  The children were able to retell the stories we read and compare and contrast adventures of story characters and events.  They also identified with the author and illustrator of a text when they created accordion books and sequenced events of the wordless text, Pancakes for Breakfast.  The lesson started gaining momentum and I got so excited I wanted to record our progress.  Unbeknownst to malomee, she comes up to me and shows me a flip cam she borrowed from our Media Center (gotta love those girls) to record her children reading. AHH!!  True to her giving nature, malomee suggested I use the flip cam in my lesson (malomee to the rescue!!).  My hope is the children will be able to access throughout their learning the skills taught embedded in the sticky sweetness of the syrup and pancakes.

With love,
Mrs. C.

Books?  Check.  Graphic organizer?  Check.  Griddle?  Check.  Children ready to learn? Check, check, check!

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